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Ne glede na to, ali že poslujete ali o tem sanjate, sem vam na voljo za pomoč pri uresničevanju vaše vizije z uporabo freelancerjev s tehnologijo UI. Delite svoje poslovne cilje in skupaj bomo ustvarili projekt, v zvezi s katerim lahko naši talentirani freelancerji oddajo ponudbe. Skupaj uresničimo vašo vizijo!
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S poslovanjem šele začenjam
Pri pošiljanju pogovora na vaš e-naslov je šlo nekaj narobe. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Svoj pogovor lahko shranite samo enkrat na uro. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Vaš pogovor je prekratek. Če želite omogočiti shranjevanje, nadaljujte pogovor z Avo.
Kako najeti odličnega freelancerja Mobile Developer
Mobile Development is the process of developing software for mobile devices. This includes coding applications for phones, tablets and other portable gadgets, as well as designing the user interface, troubleshooting bugs, creating back-ends for databases, and more. As a Mobile Developer, you'll be able to build customized applications that are tailored to the needs of individual users on a variety of platforms such as iOS and Android.
Some ideas of what you could get a Mobile Developer to do is to develop apps from scratch or modify an existing code base; maintain and update existing apps in line with rapidly evolving technologies; optimize an app’s performance; collaborate with designers to ensure a perfect aesthetic; create effective analytics systems; and test apps for reliability and performance.
When hiring a specific Mobile Developer, it is important to demonstrate that you are hiring for a specific scope of work with its own time frame and cost structure. In general, you should expect to pay an experienced Mobile Developer on an hourly-rate basis depending on the complexity of the task. Typical hourly rates could range anywhere from $30-$250 per hour depending on geographical location and experience. You should also take into consideration their portfolio in order to assess their qualifications, technical proficiency and communication skills - which can all impact the project timeline heavily.
Hiring on Freelancer.com gives you access to certified Mobile Developers from all over the world at competitive rates. Browse through freelance profiles today to find the right fit for your project needs. Post a job today and hire your next Mobile Developer right away!
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