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The Element of Size in Ballet Productions

The success of a ballet production, regardless of the talent of its artistic director, ultimately lies with its dancers. The principles, soloists and members of the corps de ballet are the ones that will interpret and personify the beauty, emotion and fantasy of the composition to the audience. This holds especially true for classics such as Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, which not only offer some of the most gorgeous music ever written, but also enchant audiences with their compelling mythology. To fully experience the magic of both compositions, the production must be able to match their majestic and complex themes. A crucial element here is the size of the ballet company. While one can conceivably get away with two or three dozen dancers, especially in smaller venues, the spectacle would be gravely diminished without at least 50 dancers on stage. This is even before we consider the physical injuries and emotional fatigue that the dancers will inevitably experience.

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