Logo Design for Rabid Turtle Productions

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $490
  • Prejetih vnosov: 99
  • Zmagovalec/ka: AndyGFX71

Navodila natečaja

Create a logo for Rabid Turtle Productions

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Andy provided a logo that caught our attention and would not let go. After the winning logo was chosen he willingly made small adjustments that increased our satisfaction even more. Could not recommend his work more highly.”

Profilna slika dcatman, United States.

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • pupster321
    • pred 13 let


    • pred 13 let
    1. AndyGFX71
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you. :D

      • pred 13 let
  • rogeliobello
    • pred 13 let

    nice job AndyGFX71!

    • pred 13 let
    1. AndyGFX71
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you. :D

      • pred 13 let
  • joka232
    • pred 13 let

    WOW the simplicity for the logo is good, it makes it stand out to be honest, well done andy!

    • pred 13 let
    1. AndyGFX71
      • pred 13 let

      Hi, joka232. Thanks, man. Much appreciated. A little bit of tweaking, and the logo is good to go. I'm really pleased with the finished version.

      • pred 13 let
  • joka232
    • pred 13 let

    Congratulations, Dcatman would you mind unsealing the contest so we may also see the winning design thanks

    • pred 13 let
  • AndyGFX71
    • pred 13 let

    Ah. Fantastic! All that hard work certainly pays off in the end. I would also like to say well done to everyone else who also contributed to this fantastic contest. It's been the best yet!

    • pred 13 let
  • dcatman
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 13 let

    Alright everyone. Thanks again for your patience.

    This is a pre-award announcement. The purpose is to let the responders know that the team and I will pick a winner this evening. We will not be starting a new contest.

    I do appreciate everyone's patience and willingness to work with us on this project.

    • pred 13 let
    1. joka232
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for taking the time and giving feedback on everyone's designs, i think since I've joined you've been the most detailed feedback giver ever! and even though i wont win, i still want to thank you for letting me learn from my experience through this.


      • pred 13 let
  • dcatman
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 13 let

    Hi Everyone.
    We've run some polls and had some internal discussions and so far have not settled on a particular design. So far we are leaning towards a new contest with the highest payout level. I would like to know if everyone that had responded to the second contest would be o.k. with a new one.

    I am trying hard to get team consensus but it just doesn't look like it will happen at this point.

    Please reply with your thoughts.

    • pred 13 let
    1. scotte9677
      • pred 13 let

      We all have worked hard to make a great design and also do the changes and modifications as you have asked. I feel that you should pick the most liked the design and then pay that designer extra to work up a design that the team can agree on. Reward the work done and pay for the work needed.

      • pred 13 let
    2. dcatman
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Hi. Thanks for the input on that Scott. I am actually considering making that decision and then working with the winner to finalize.

      • pred 13 let
  • stanbaker
    • pred 13 let


    • pred 13 let
    1. joka232
      • pred 13 let

      ermm how is it a waste of your time when its your job to make designs for companies?, you chose to make a design no-one forced you to, if you think its a waste of your time then don't enter the next one.

      • pred 13 let
  • pupster321
    • pred 13 let

    This was a fun contest. Was it fun for you guys?

    • pred 13 let
    1. phomea
      • pred 13 let

      yes I enjoyed to create this logo...i wished i had more time to create more designs and to have some reviews but i joined freelancer.com only a few days ago :)

      • pred 13 let
    2. ARemingtonC
      • pred 13 let

      I really liked this one, they had a very creative name to work with and gave good feedback....thanks for the experience dcatman

      • pred 13 let
  • sidvfx8
    • pred 13 let

    Will anyone please tell me how to upload my design ?

    • pred 13 let
    1. phomea
      • pred 13 let

      it means that the contest holder is considering all the designs...but the deadline for new proposals is passed :)

      • pred 13 let
    2. jujah
      • pred 13 let

      Ah bummer! I think I had a good idea too :(

      • pred 13 let
  • ZAraWeb
    • pred 13 let

    Have worked on another logo similar to the one you thought was interesting. Will keep it if you are interested in seeing it. Thanks

    • pred 13 let
  • dcatman
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 13 let

    Hi everyone! Thanks for all of your entries. I especially want to thank those of you that received feedback and made the extra effort to work with us. We will be picking a winner in the next couple of days. As you may expect we have a lot to consider and the team will have to coordinate across the miles.
    Please be patient while we deliberate.
    Thanks again!

    • pred 13 let
  • NatalieF44
    • pred 13 let

    Im currently drawing a completely different design from my first entry. Which I thought was cool while drawing, but in the end I can see where he looks a little too serial killer for your logo. I'll hopefully have my new design in sometime tomorrow. You may or may not love it. Or you'll completely hate it. I'm not sure, but either way this is definitely a fun design to draw so I'm ok if you don't like it, I'll just put it on my wallpaper . haha

    • pred 13 let
    1. dcatman
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Looking forward to seeing it. Thanks.

      • pred 13 let
    2. sidvfx8
      • pred 13 let

      how can i upload my design ?

      • pred 13 let
  • edsign
    • pred 13 let

    My lucky #147!

    • pred 13 let
  • phomea
    • pred 13 let

    Hello. i've just uploaded 2 projects ( #135 and #136 )...they are almost the same. The only difference is the opacity of the main illustration. This is hand drawn on photoshop but i can also make it vector if you need. thank you

    • pred 13 let
  • AndyGFX71
    • pred 13 let

    Hi. I'm not sure if this is the direction you're looking to go with the logo, but I've created a "Bad Robot" style logo, with a sketchy feel. Hope you like it, even if it is not necessarily what you want. This is an original design and concept. This has not been derived from icon packs, vector stock libraries or sourced from the internet. Kind Regards, Andy.

    • pred 13 let
  • workingmole
    • pred 13 let

    Hello there. Please take a look at #126 and #127 . I hope I captured the look and feel you were looking for. Thanks!

    • pred 13 let
  • NatalieF44
    • pred 13 let

    Just added #121, #122, and #123. Thanks!

    • pred 13 let
    1. joka232
      • pred 13 let

      With the amount of entries your giving your bound to win :P

      • pred 13 let
    2. NatalieF44
      • pred 13 let

      Haha. As my mom always told me, better safe than sorry!

      • pred 13 let
  • Deedesigns
    • pred 13 let

    Hopefully #120 is closer to what you're looking for:)

    • pred 13 let
  • ulogo
    • pred 13 let

    Please see new #112 #113 #114 #115 #117 and give feedback Thanks!

    • pred 13 let
  • NatalieF44
    • pred 13 let

    I don't mean to bombard the board, but also check out #100 , he has a more sculpted jaw line in this one.

    • pred 13 let
  • NatalieF44
    • pred 13 let

    And #9 , I decided to give a sample of the turtle with a more rounded face

    • pred 13 let
    1. NatalieF44
      • pred 13 let

      Oops, I mean #99 .

      • pred 13 let
  • NatalieF44
    • pred 13 let

    #98 - Updated logo...I forgot the tail in #97

    • pred 13 let
  • NatalieF44
    • pred 13 let

    Hey, I just added my new design, #97 . I added muted colors like you wanted, I hope you like it. Let me know what you think, or if there are any adjustments I should do to make it better. Thanks alot! Again, drawing this logo was a lot of fun ~Natalie

    • pred 13 let
  • Deedesigns
    • pred 13 let

    Any feedback on 82 would be much appreciated as there is only a day left. Thanks:)

    • pred 13 let
  • johnazd
    • pred 13 let

    tats a rough one , if u have like the outline ,. i can make it excellent for u

    • pred 13 let
  • gmaisg
    • pred 13 let

    Hello dcatman, i have done some refinement in the legs of the turtle, please take a look. Waiting for your feedback. Thank you for your attention.

    • pred 13 let
  • rogeliobello
    • pred 13 let

    I made a few changes in colors #79. please check sir. thank you

    • pred 13 let
  • masterashim
    • pred 13 let

    do we need to upload the design in all these format AI, EPS, PSD, JPG or only one or two!

    • pred 13 let
    1. pupster321
      • pred 13 let

      you only need to upload all of them if you win. for the review (contest) just jpg or psd, hope this helps

      • pred 13 let
  • gmaisg
    • pred 13 let

    Hello dcatman, i have posted a new study #74 . Please take a look. I will be waiting for youe feedback. Thank you for your attention.

    • pred 13 let
  • rogeliobello
    • pred 13 let

    #72 Sir. Thanks

    • pred 13 let
    1. rogeliobello
      • pred 13 let


      • pred 13 let
  • ifhamkhan
    • pred 13 let

    Please give a look at #70 clean and elegent look

    • pred 13 let

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