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S poslovanjem šele začenjam
Pri pošiljanju pogovora na vaš e-naslov je šlo nekaj narobe. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Svoj pogovor lahko shranite samo enkrat na uro. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Vaš pogovor je prekratek. Če želite omogočiti shranjevanje, nadaljujte pogovor z Avo.
Kako najeti odličnega freelancerja Catch Phrase Creator
A catchphrase is a phrase or expression used in marketing and sales campaigns which are classified as catchy and recognizable when repeated. Usually used in popular culture and mainstream media, a catch phrase can be shared through mainstream media including television, magazines, online advertising, movies, radios and even apps.
Catch phrases become the personality of a brand and can be used as a signature for businesses looking to become recognizable in the marketplace.
If you’re a fan of popular culture, you’ve probably been exposed to a catch phrase. Consider Joey from the 1990’s sitcom ‘Friends’ who had a catch phrase of “How you doin’?,” Donald Trump who has a globally recognized catchphrase of “You’re fired” or even Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory whose favorite catchphrase is “Bazinga!”
Catchphrase writers usually have experience in marketing and sales as well as a creative understanding of mass media and popular culture. Whether you need a movie catch phrase, a catch phrase for a TV show or a catchphrase for your business, engaging a professional writer who understands the art of writing the perfect catch phrase is essential.
Catchphrase creators can assist by including the following in your catch phrase:
Interesting words that engage with the chosen audience – compared to normal phrases, catch phrases need to be distinctive and have a specific meaning. Sometimes a slight change in a word can make all the difference to a catch phrase.
Distinctive phrases – catch phrase writers ensure catchphrases roll off the tongue and are easy to repeat.
Short and to the point – catch phrases should be obvious and to the point i.e.,. “May the Force be with you.”
Catchphrases can be used in a different context – good catch phrases can be used without needing to understand the context surrounding the phrase.
Front of mouth sounds – research has shown that sounds that come from the front of the mouth are more effective that sounds from the back of the mouth when it comes to catchphrases.
A memorable catch phrase can be the difference between success and failure in business, and creating a catch phrase is important to ensure your brand gets noticed by your target audience.
Freelancer.com provides a range of experienced freelancers with knowledge of developing effective catch phrases for your business sales and marketing needs. Based all over the world, freelancers can assist remotely and undertake your catchphrase development at a time and budget that suits you.
Log onto Freelancer.com today and view the range of freelancers with catch phrase development experience who are ready to start work on your project. Simply review their feedback, qualifications, and experience and select a freelancer to suit your project needs.
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