Freelancer: Quay3010
Prijavi vnos

House Plan

I use millimeter measurement units. I can convert to inch. Hope u like it. if u like it then I can make 3d . thanks

Natečajni vnos #10 za                                                 House Plan for a small space: Ground Floor + 2 floors

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • Quay3010
    • pred 7 let

    please check #18 thanks :)

    • pred 7 let
  • myaff
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 7 let

    What is the blue arrow indicating?

    • pred 7 let
  • myaff
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 7 let

    Please convert into inches or feet and send. Why is the ground floor bathroom outside the house? Everything else looks good.

    • pred 7 let