Tell me the inventory levels of an on-line retailer

  • Stanje: Pending
  • Nagrade: $40
  • Prejetih vnosov: 24
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Freelancer0408

Navodila natečaja

I need someone to give me twice-monthly reports on the reported inventory of an online retailer’s products. This is an initial project which, if done properly, will result in a continuous monthly project.

Their website is The products I’d like the inventory are the Men’s Wetsuits -

They currently have seven (models), and each model has about ten sizes (from XS to XXL). Determining the inventory of a model and size is simply selecting a size (like XS), entering the Quantity as 1, and then hitting ADD TO CART. Then, go to the cart and change the size from 1 to 999. The cart will adjust itself to the actual inventory available for sale. Enter this data into a spreadsheet.

In the case of some models, sometimes only one or two sizes may be available, which would mean the unlisted ones are out of stock.

To demonstrate you understand the project, and to see how easy it is, give me the spreadsheet for the MEN’S MAVERICK PRO II model.

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