Tattoo - Design a symbol for soulmates

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $111
  • Prejetih vnosov: 125

Navodila natečaja

Design a small and simple tattoo of a symbol for me and my soulmate, in black ink only.

Tattoo would be on the wrist.

Size - of a coin.

Our connection is very special, it is the highest level of soul mate and called "twin flame" connection.

Once twin flame unites on earth, both start a wonderful journey of spiritual growth and experience divine love.

We complementary to each other in all aspects of our souls.

We are very lucky and honored to find each other in this life time.

It is manifestation of divine love.

Symbols to use: twin flame /duality /oneness/angel/raise of kundalini /divine love/unity

Please do not use the symbol of a heart shape since it is overused in our world

Thank you

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