(Request) Recreating google street view with AI integration

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $30
  • Prejetih vnosov: 1
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Soumya747

Navodila natečaja

Looking for a feasibility study, with all links to products and applications that are required to do the following:

Need to be able to calculate the number of trees by using google street view tech, or similar.

To clarify: Imagine using a vehicle to be able to calculate the number of trees, by passing in street, and being able to monitor the progression of the tree/forestation level by AI tech (length, width and health, if need to be trimmed) and type.

Linked directly to a dashboard that shows statistics and the location of the tree by marking them in the map.

So by entering to the dashboard it would show the google street view images, number of trees (tree image of course).

Need to have full scale feasibility study, with all requirements of the needed tech, vehicle dimensions, speed of the moving car that would be capturing the images.

And how to from A to Z.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Fantastic communicator, delivered on time and he is direct to the point.”

Profilna slika abdulla20003, Bahrain.

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  • karocbc97
    • pred 1 leto

    Welcome . Please attach an example of the work you want so that we can understand your project more and complete it

    • pred 1 leto

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