Request For Proposal PRO (Company name: RFP Pro)

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $150
  • Prejetih vnosov: 96
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Tb615789

Navodila natečaja

I have a new company that requires a logo design. I'm very open to suggestions and different font designs or color schemes etc. This is a B to B business, servicing Event Planners and the Hotel industry. My company is called RFP Pro (Request For Proposal). I have provided a brief description of my business to help better understand what we do at RFP Pro.

We provide a technology platform that enhances communication and negotiations for Event Planners booking corporate groups at hotel venues around the world. We eliminate 80 – 90% of email communication between our two clients, allowing for more efficiencies and increased revenue for both. (We serve two markets, event planners & venues). The three pillars of our business are Search, Engage and Revenue. Our system’s search functionality makes it easier for planners to find the venue they need and connect them easily and quickly with the venues they want proposals from. Our engagement tools for communication make it easier to communicate, negotiate and service the client quickly thus resulting in reaching the contract phase in a more timely and efficient manner. The Revenue tool within our system provides the hotel with the ability to analyse rates quickly resulting in maximizing time and providing staff with more autonomy. With RFP pro we have found the solution to better connect planners and hotels, increase response times, analyse revenue, and provide better efficiencies for both.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Great job!!! Thanks Taslima B.”

Profilna slika courtpodlewski, Canada.

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