"paid test for a long relation" I need a professional graphic designer with a perfect eye and sense .

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $15
  • Prejetih vnosov: 21

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I'm creating a brand about "providing 3D services to the companies"

that brand will be professional so that I want to create professional designs to represent my services to the clients
so I need your help with that.

here's the paid test, if it goes well.... we'll work together on all the upcoming designs...

there's two old designs, I want you to make new versions designs but this time they have to be professional and catching the eyes

(1) the first pic "1st old design (targeted industries).png" it shows samples of our previous works & also shows the fields we're targeting to provide our 3D services to them.

(2) the second pic "2nd old design (3D printable process).png" it shows one of our services process (3D printing service : taking the sketch then converting it to 3D printable model) & including 2 projects we've already done.

so I want you to give me two designs which be modern \ very professional \ catching eyes \ representing our concept ....

and if you have any further suggestions let me know

take your time... the perfect result is the only matters

Attached : All pics you may need

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