Peanuts comic inspired club images

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $100
  • Prejetih vnosov: 18
  • Zmagovalec/ka: JuanGarcia12001

Navodila natečaja

I would like to create some images that are inspired by the peanut comic series but with text that are from common club songs. I have two examples of these that I will add to the attachments. I would like one that says "Popped a Molly, I'm sweating"
Cartoon Idea: Charlie Brown nervously sweating before performing on stage, with the Peanuts gang cheering him on. another that says I'm in love with the coco"
Design: Charlie Brown and Snoopy sitting cozily by a window on a snowy day, each holding a steaming mug of hot cocoa. Charlie Brown has a content smile, and a thought bubble reads "I'm in love with the coco." and one that says “ Bitch, I'm stylish
Glock tucked, big t-shirt, Billie Eilish” Design: A fashionable Charlie Brown wearing an oversized t-shirt with a Billie Eilish-inspired design, surrounded by admiring Peanuts characters. Snoopy, also dressed stylishly, sits beside Charlie Brown, wearing sunglasses and a bandana.
this would be a pretty consistent gig looking for someone who could make at least one of these types a month.

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Delodajalčev feedback

“great work will love to work more with this freelancer”

Profilna slika cajun16890, United States.

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