Online Photo Gallery Project

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: £60
  • Prejetih vnosov: 2
  • Zmagovalec/ka: theclientisking

Navodila natečaja

I need someone to create a photo gallery application which can run online - I have browsed through a lot of plug-ins but none of them can do what I need.

I need a large photo gallery of lots of people's faces... We're talking 1,500 images on one page, perhaps 20 - 30 columns wide with a zoom function (not for the actual individual photos but for the gallery as a whole) (It is acceptable to have a "scroll down to load more" type function). By default, each thumbnail will display a "default user" type photo. And over time I will be able to replace each of the 1,500 "faceless" with pictures of actual people. All new replacement photos would be uploaded 200x200.

When you hover over a particular thumbnail it would display a small info box stating the person's name, date of birth and date of death. All the people in the gallery will be people who are deceased. I need the hover and animation to be slick and modern and you need to think about how image compression etc will be optimised to ensure fast loading.

You do not need to do uploading of all the images, I will do this as it is a project which will grow over time. However, initially, the gallery will display 1,500 "Default unknown user" type images. There should be no limit as to how big the gallery can grow, though it is highly unlikely it will surpass 3,000.

Obviously, this is a fairly simple task for the right person but there does need to be an extremely easy to manage back-end system eg upload a new person, find/delete/edit a person.

There should also be 3 simple filters to sort the gallery on the front-end: Sort by: First Name, Surname, Date of Birth & Date of Death.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Great job, fast and easy will work with you again for sure, thanks!”

Profilna slika Media730, United Kingdom.

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