New slider images for landing page, Refresh page style. Redesign services page.

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $11
  • Prejetih vnosov: 1

Navodila natečaja

We need a new landing page built for wordpress (not just an empty theme) aimed toward selling self-publishing services, Services should include Interior Print Design, E book Creation , E book conversion, and consulting services. Each tab should give a short description of what the service will include and price structure per word count.
The description and service should link to our online store at We will add new items so customers can check out with their order and a link to submit their documents.

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  • Zyoudyy
    • pred 5 let

    do you want a slider image for your services or a full new landing page ?

    • pred 5 let
  • Zyoudyy
    • pred 5 let


    • pred 5 let

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