• Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $50
  • Prejetih vnosov: 34
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Niroj123

Navodila natečaja

Hello! We are looking for names for a NGO (non-profit) we're founding.
The name has to have a .org domain available.
It can be an anagram, or a cool word, or a transformed word, or anything cool really.
It can be in any language, but we'd prefer not too many consonants together because we're based on Latin America and it would be better if it's easily pronounced here.

We believe that society can be the most powerful source of change. We will be working with disadvantaged people like refugees, prisoners and juveniles, LGBTQA people, Women victims of violence or discrimination, minorities etc, organizing events, courses, researching opportunities for them, promoting technological inclusion, raising awareness, etc. We will be based in Brazil but may work anywhere in the world. Or goal is social justice, sustainable development and promotion of human rights.

We don't like the idea of "charity" in the traditional sense, or a paternalistic view of the target groups, we like the idea of cooperation, community, union, inclusion, bringing people together for common good, making a better future.

Thanks for participating!

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Excellent work, I’m very happy with the result and impesssed with Waniganetti’s creativity! ”

Profilna slika NGOhussler, Brazil.

Najboljši vnosi tega natečaja

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Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • NGOhussler
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 6 let

    Thank you everyone for your great contributions! We actually went for a different name, not posted here, but some of your ideas came really close! So we voted to choose our favorite anyway, and the winner is Waniganetti J.! Congrats! Thank you very much Waniganetti J. and everyone that posted, I hope to work with some of you guys soon.

    • pred 6 let
  • reggiepv07
    • pred 6 let

    102 - 103

    • pred 6 let
  • stevegregory
    • pred 6 let

    Check #34 please

    • pred 6 let

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