Moodle plugin - We need to provide users with a tool where they can see who their classmates and teachers are in a course.

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $50
  • Prejetih vnosov: 0
  • Zmagovalec/ka: globalwebindia

Navodila natečaja

1. Create a plugin that will visually show all enrolled students for a course. Do not include
suspended students. There are no requirements from a styling perspective. You can design
this in any way you want. See Exhibit A for some inspiration.
2. Create a “course-context” setting for the plugin to optionally show teachers for the course.
3. Create a button “View my teachers” that is located below the student entries.
a. The button should only be visible if requirement 2 is enabled.
b. If you click on the button, the page should update with the teachers.
4. Create a capability where the “Manager” role can see all users in a course regardless of role
a. As a manager, I should not see the “View my teachers” button but should see all
users regardless of role. Visually show a distinction between students and teachers.

● Requirement 1
a. The listing page should use Moodle renderers to render HTML.
● Requirement 3.b
a. The page should not reload once you click on the “View my teachers” button.
b. You should use Moodle’s ES6 modules and WebServices to complete the
● All requirements
a. All static text (i.e. Headings, Labels) should be retrieved from language strings.


● Create unit tests for the logic above.
● When a Moodle course backup/restore process runs this plugin and its config (saved settings)
should be included.

Priporočene spretnosti

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • poudelsanskar8
    • pred 1 leto

    I am interested to work.. Buti think the prize is too low

    • pred 1 leto

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