Logo for Wanadog Pet Treats

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $125
  • Prejetih vnosov: 37
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Translatoregypt1

Navodila natečaja

My daughters name is Olivia, She is 8 years old
and badly wants a dog. But her parents are meanies and she has to earn some money towards it.

So she is going to be selling pet treats (for dogs and cats) at the local market. These are 100% natural, no preservatives, no additives, made from 100% pure free-range New Zealand venison and made locally in our area.

She has called it Wanadog Pet Treats - which has a double meaning. Obviously she 'wants' a dog, but we live in Wanaka, NZ - so where the "Wana" also comes into it - https://www.lakewanaka.co.nz/

So we are looking for a logo that she can use for a sign, for her Facebook page and for any labels we put on the product.

Attached a couple of photos of Olivia.

Thanks in advance.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“The contest process worked really well and we have enjoyed working with Eman.”

Profilna slika Wanakakarl, New Zealand.

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