Logo Design

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $60
  • Prejetih vnosov: 30
  • Zmagovalec/ka: amittalaviya5535

Navodila natečaja

I need a Logo design to use for both the "Infinite Income Creator" and the "Infinite Marketing Hacks" using an elegant Dark Purple and Rich Gold colors. I would love the logo designs to include the Infinity Symbol and communicate ellegance and wealth while having the spiritual component of the Infinity symbol. I'll need till separate logos with the same design, just changing the words.
1. Infinite Income Creator
2. Infinite Marketing Hacks

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Amit is AMAZING!! Prompt, efficient, and extremely creative! Great work!!”

Profilna slika PositiveVibesFL, United States.

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