Logo Building - 10/03/2023 06:36 EST

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: ₹1000
  • Prejetih vnosov: 76
  • Zmagovalec/ka: morium0147

Navodila natečaja

Can you help us with a logo design for our upcoming resort? It is a village resort with a blend of nature and modern comfort. We have a swimming pool and other outdoor activities. We also have a banquet hall for destination weddings. We need this logo for our website and other social media needs.
Business : Rohatgi Resort
Exact logo name : Rohatgi Resort
Tagline : Destination. Luxury. Nature
Target Audience : age group 20-45, College kids who want to party as a group, Young couples who are about to get married and couples with young kids who wants to do some outdoor activities.
Sample/Reference :




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Delodajalčev feedback

“Good work and good in communication”

Profilna slika rohatgiresort, India.

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