Landing page image design created.

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $55
  • Prejetih vnosov: 4
  • Zmagovalec/ka: vivekdaneapen

Navodila natečaja

DroneQuote is a free service that provides homeowners with up to 5 quotes for solar installation or roofing using a drone to provide site seen accuracy. This means no one climbs on their roof or come in the home to try and sell them.

With this new background image we want to get the point across that we use drones to provide measurements and accuracy but we would also like to incorporate images or views of the interior of our customer quote portal. By showing the quote portal we would like to portray how easy it easy to review quotes on your time and terms. We would like you to get inspiration from the landing page image of . They show the convenience of quoting while sitting on the couch.

We would like this image to be easy on the eyes and not too busy. We do not want to take away from the text and buttons that are also on the landing page. We also only want to show partial views on the quote portal not the entire screen like energysage.

Use Images found in google drive shared folder -

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Very easy and understanding”

Profilna slika Dronequote1, United States.

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