Journal Article Summary related to Organizational theory

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $10
  • Prejetih vnosov: 11

Navodila natečaja

Pick one of the following terms for your research: centralization, contingency, decentralization, efficiency, mechanistic, organic, organizational behavior, scientific management, stakeholder, or sustainability.

Priporočene spretnosti

Najboljši vnosi tega natečaja

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Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • DexterPang
    • pred 4 let

    Dear Contest Holder,
    Pardon me, I submit on time, but there is error message "Failed to submit entry".
    I wrote about Organizational Learning, its different levels, and interdisciplinary relations with other organizational theories, such as centralization and decentralization decision-making, mechanistic and organic structures, hybrid structure, organizational/institutional knowledge, etc.
    Is it possible to extend the contest deadline, or could you message me so that I can send you the write-up for your evaluation?

    • pred 4 let
  • HeshamAnani
    • pred 4 let

    kindly check entry #13

    • pred 4 let
  • mohamad097
    • pred 4 let

    look 12

    • pred 4 let
  • franceschacon101
    • pred 4 let

    Is there a word limit to this journal article?

    • pred 4 let

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