I need the corporate identity for my company - 24/08/2019 15:50 EDT

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $40
  • Prejetih vnosov: 1
  • Zmagovalec/ka: bluedaycome

Navodila natečaja

Hi i need the corporative identity of my company i need the design of these things (Read good and if you dont understand ask me, its not only the logo design, in the final of the description im going to explain something important). All need to be Authentic and unique, think first before submit any copy project or source of other person, i check all and i report the copied works - Authentic and unique logo proposal - Complete Stationery - Corporate Signature - Social Media Pack - 5 Banner design for Website (Are simple) - Format of invoices, quotes and receipts. The names of the company is: Properlux Investment, this is a company of real estate, loans, etc that mean that the logo cannot have a house or anything of this, it need to be a logo that can use for multiple thing on the business if you dont understand ask me. The composition of the name is the following: Properlux: Proper of Property Lux of Luxury

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“Good Designer”

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