I need some Graphic Design for Promotional Materials

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $150
  • Prejetih vnosov: 5
  • Zmagovalec/ka: sabbir911

Navodila natečaja

Company Capability Statement Design
I am looking for a total of 3 pieces of design work in a Microsoft Publisher format so we can use it as a template.

1) Capability Statement #1 – Gold Themed
2) Capability Statement #2 – Blue Themed
3) Capability Statement #3 – Red Themed

The primary reason I am hiring someone out is that I am primarily concerned with the look and feel of this product. If what I am asking for doesn’t look good, tell me.

I want a professional product that looks good and is pleasing to look at.

Think minimal but engaging.

You are the artist; not me. Give me your thoughts.

I have given the best directions I can below for what I want with the attached document "Company Capability Statement Design Instructions". Make it look good.

I have an example, titled Sample Document, of another company that I would like to base the design of the three capability statements on.

The language is not important, we will fill that in later. Use the Latin gibberish in the Publisher file if you need placeholders.

For pictures just use screen captures of the photos in Sample Document. I will replace with other photos later.

I will provide company logo.

1) Capability Statement #1 – Gold
a. Based on the following color scheme: red 184, green 157, blue 24 (Pantone 457U)
b. For pictures just use screen captures of the photos in Sample Document. I will replace with other photos later.
c. Design to look like pages 1-2 of Sample document. Use the included WWC logo where needed.
i. Page 1 - use the same title headers but leave language blank. Include the Quote box on the right hand side of page 1 of the Sample. I want these figures to be changeable but want the circles and the titles below.
ii. Page 1 – insert the World Map you make as a part of this effort.

iii. Page 2 - use the same title headers but leave language blank. Include the Info graphic box on the right hand side of page 1 of the Sample.

2) Capability Statement #2 – Blue
a. Based on the following color scheme: red 0, green 30, blue 96 (Pantone 2757U)
b. For pictures just use screen captures of the photos in Sample Document. I will replace with other photos later.
c. Design to look like pages 3-4 of Sample document. Use the included WWC logo where needed.

i. Page 1 - use the same title headers as page 3 of the Sample document but leave language blank. Include the Quote box on the right hand side of page 1 of the Sample document just like in Capability Statement #1. I know there isn’t a quote there on the Sample but I will add one.

ii. Page 2 - use the same title headers as page 4 of the Sample document but leave language blank. Include the Quote box on the right-hand side of page 1 of the Sample document just like in Capability Statement #1. I know there isn’t a quote there on the Sample but I will add one.

3) Capability Statement #3 – Red
a. Based on the following color scheme: red 164, green 52, blue 58 (Pantone 1807U)
b. For pictures just use screen captures of the photos in Sample Document. I will replace with other photos later.
c. Design to look like pages 5-6 of Sample document. Use the included WWC logo where needed.

i. Page 1 - use the same title headers as page 5 of the Sample document but leave language blank. Include the Our Capabilities box on the right-hand side of page 5 of the Sample document.

ii. Page 2 - use the same title headers as page 6 of the Sample document but leave language blank. Include the Info graphics on the right-hand side of page 6 of the Sample document. I want these figures to be changeable but want the circles and the titles below. I know there isn’t a quote there on the Sample but I will add one.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“First of all, excellent work. Second, prompt and professional in his dealings. Third, on-time and budget. I am actively looking for more work to give him.”

Profilna slika Michelleraber, United States.

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  • workermunir
    • pred 6 let

    Dear sir, Please Check my enrtry #1

    • pred 6 let
  • am2030
    • pred 6 let

    Augmentez le prix svp ! What you have proposed is 1/10 of the desired price !!

    • pred 6 let
  • iconadvertising
    • pred 6 let

    Make the contest #guaranteed please

    • pred 6 let

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