Graphic Spoofed James Bond 007 Logo and Silhouette

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $100
  • Prejetih vnosov: 90
  • Zmagovalec/ka: paijoesuper

Navodila natečaja

I'm doing a movie trailer a contest entry. The movie trailer will be a spoof of a James Bond film. I need some simple changes to the traditional Bond logo and silhouette for this spoof.

First, for the logo, rather than having 007 and a gun, it needs to be 8583 for the number and rather than it being a gun, I'm looking for the 3 to look more like it is the folded part of someone's fingers with the pointer finger being extended like you would to login to an iPhone.

Then the silhouette of Bond needs to be the Bond holding a phone rather than a gun.

Most of the time I see the 007 horizontal, I'd love that but it might make sense to show it vertical like the attached image with perhaps the finger coming out the 8583 touching the phone of that the Bond silhouette holds...scale of the two may make that awkward, but that's why I'm leveraging Freelance to see what you artists come up with.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“@paijoesuper won the contest on 29 August 2018”

Profilna slika InSiteLogo, United States.

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