find the translation file and find the missing pdf (Website built by PHP and Wordpress) - 02/06/2023 14:49 EDT

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $10
  • Prejetih vnosov: 7

Navodila natečaja

1. In Mysql Workbench, help me log in to database, I have login info
2. find a piece of code i embed in header area, it should be in one php file, but i forgot where and couldn't find by search (commend +f)
3. Wordpress is built by PHP, uses Polylang, however i can only change English in php template, not sure where the French file is. It should be another Php file in Polylang folder? The code below is all over the site, there should be a file that I can manually input all French text.

<h2 class="vc_custom_heading">
<?= __translate("This is English text which I can change manually in template. php","team"); ?>

Ideal skills and experience for this job include:
- Knowledge of PHP and Wordpress
- Experience with website content management
- Attention to detail
- Problem-solving skills

If you have the necessary skills and experience, please reach out to me with your proposal. Thank you.

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