Facebook and LinkedIn cover banner

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $25
  • Prejetih vnosov: 80
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Yajatcuen

Navodila natečaja

Need a Facebook and LinkedIn cover banner/video created. It can be either, video or plain banner image.
We need it to introduce our jobboard. Below you will find the requirements for the banner.
This marketing at a glance! We want certain messages to stand over others.

First message that needs to be seen is
-1st jobboard in the Concrete industry (use 1st not first)
Second message is
Next we will add the Logo (please do not change the colors of the logo. It needs to stay that way for brand recognition) and maybe a Picture (I will provide a google drive of images to use)

It will be simple but needs to be appealing.

Link to google drive with images and logo:

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