Design a T-Shirt for Alpbrothers Mountainbike Guiding

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: €30
  • Prejetih vnosov: 49
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Alexander7117

Navodila natečaja

We are professional mountainbike guides at lake Faak in Carinthia, Austria. Our company is called Alpbrothers Mountainbike Guiding and we need a design for a T-Shirt. It should contain our name "Alpbrothers" or "Alpbros". Our Logo with the 2 mountains represent our home mountain "Mittagskogel" near lake Faak (see attachments). Feel free to be creative. It's not necessary to include our logo into the design, but it would be nice if the design is in association with Mittagskogel, lake Faak or at least some mountains.
I have also attached our Logo and a T-Shirt designed by myself (not necessary to lean on this)

Please also feel free to take a look at our website, to get some more information about us:

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Delodajalčev feedback

“great job, everything perfect!”

Profilna slika Christoph89, Austria.

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