Design A Logo

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: £20
  • Prejetih vnosov: 5

Navodila natečaja

Hi I am looking for a new logo design which has two versions

It is for a cocktail bar business.

The first design version will be a square 500x500
The second design version will be 200x 100

*please do not just resize the design, it needs to be slightly different as it is longer.

The company is called Signature Cocktails and I would like the name to be used in version 2. It does not need to be used in version 1.

Please use a signature font for the word signature
Please include some kind of icon like a pen, quill, cocktail glass etc

Colour scheme (greens, golds etc)

I would need these in SVG, PNG & JPG and the editing files, and have both dark and light


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