2d game charaters

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $40
  • Prejetih vnosov: 18
  • Zmagovalec/ka: aSalguez

Navodila natečaja

Hello all you talented artists Spearhero 2 is being made and I'm looking for concepts for character designs with your talents enter this competition and win it. The character will be in 2d and the mood board will be given

Priporočene spretnosti

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • Bullio
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 5 let

    Hey all great job so far. The shield in the left hand please and the spear in the right. The character should be looking to the right. The shield should be very large and only half of it in visible. Thanks all and keep up the great work. Also sharp edges for the helmets please

    • pred 5 let
  • ezhilartworks
    • pred 5 let

    #sealed #guaranteed

    • pred 5 let

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