Creative Travel Marketing - Facebook & Instagram - Abercrombie & Kent Hong Kong

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $200
  • Prejetih vnosov: 24
  • Zmagovalec/ka: dobhaldeepali

Navodila natečaja

Hi we are Abercrombie & Kent Hong Kong, a luxury travel company.

We are looking for HIGHLY CREATIVE post ideas on Facebook and/or Instagram.

For promoting travels to one or more of these countries: Greater China, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Our company products are our own tour guides, luxury vehicles, special experiences in countries above, like pet a panda or private dinner in a temple, and we book luxury hotels with good contract rate. Also we have a team of professional travel designers providing customized services.

Our target clients are wealthy individual travellers, and luxury travel agents from all around the world, mostly from developed western countries. Content should mostly be in English.

Content must be LEGAL to use - others' Facebook public content, public websites like news or Youtube, Open Source images, Shutterstock photos (we have licence, non-editorial), photos from hotels.

Your own sources like photos and videos are welcome.

Content must be healthy, okay for kids. No violence or cheesy jokes.

Good example can be the song "Tokyo Bon", which is funny, eye-catching and very related to Japan travel. Once post the link, the video will be auto played on Facebook:

Bad example will be some traveller's own photos, pretending they are our clients and had a good time. Or look at below link, don't copy what we are already doing.

Our Facebook and Instagram:

Our company website:

Submission can be of any format - description, link, photo, pre-view of FB post etc.

We will pay for each idea that we choose to use, so please feel free to propose.
If you have related copy-righted content to sell, welcome to discuss.

#3 by Ilina M. is the closest to the idea so far. Please be CREATIVE and EYE-CATCHING.
But at the same time keep the elegance of LUXURY, instead of cheap fun.
I rate and comment each proposal and will choose the best one (or several) to award.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“hardworking, creative and right to the point ”

Profilna slika BrandyWangAK, Hong Kong.

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