Create my company logo

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $15
  • Prejetih vnosov: 16
  • Zmagovalec/ka: dobreman14

Navodila natečaja

- I have just started my own e-commerce apparel brand
- the name of the company is The Drunk Accountant
-I want you to create a logo for me that can be used on a website, facebook, instagram, and potentially on my products as well!
- I would like to have not just words on the design but also a business looking person (accountant) who is drinking and/or clearly drunk incorporated within my logo
- I would like a copy of not just the whole logo with words and all but also a copy of the icon (drunk person) so that i may use that for the instagram and facebook profile pictures

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“He does really good work and is very flexible with what you need. It was a pleasure working with him”

Profilna slika mjdewji8, Canada.

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