Create me a Logo for a Gaming Brand

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $190
  • Prejetih vnosov: 179
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Soufian1Hilia

Navodila natečaja

Creating a gaming brand and I'm in need of a logo.

Our customers are becoming "telePorters" and stepping through a portal to a better place.
- Portal can be represented by a circle representing a gate behind the "Porter"
- Can be represented like the Portal 2 Logo provided in attachments where half of the Porter is in one dimension, half in another.
- Can also be represented with a circle underneath, like the customer has appeared out of a portal.

The original logo:
- Is in the shape of a stick figure with half his body in a portal.
- Has separate shapes for the Letter P, the arms and legs.
- Maintains 5 points, similar to a star.

Logo should be derived from this original black and white concept and should borrow design from:

- The Fnatic Logo
- The Portal 2 Logo
- The Japanese Character 大 meaning large

The winner will incorporate most or all elements with additional reward for extra concepts added (face, additional figure like gaming gun)

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“Stylized, tailored, punctual and responsive. ”

Profilna slika riporter, United States.

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