Computer football game needs a fun-looking robot player.

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $100
  • Prejetih vnosov: 8
  • Zmagovalec/ka: Cobot

Navodila natečaja

Need a fun-looking 3D robot that moves with tracks, wheels, solid base, or feet (no legs). The upper body will have wide shoulders (like American football shoulder pads) and arms that are holding a football (rugby football shape) as if moving with it to advance the ball. The upper body will be about 70% of the height. It will have a place for a single digit number front and back as on a football jersey. The lower body with the movement mechanisms would therefore be about 30% of the height. If you only design, your graphic will be used by a 3D graphic/animation team that would create the player and movements for the game. If you design and animate you could be contracted to provide the animation. Your graphic should produce a player whose arms would conceivably extend out, reach up and down, and throw the football. Your graphic should produce a player whose upper body could rotate while the lower body is moving along the field.

Priporočene spretnosti

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Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • BrimoMoore
    • pred 4 let

    Just to help you , you should have chosen 3D creators instead of graphic designers..

    You could have selected programs such as Cinema 4D , Blender ...

    Kind regards , and I hope I helped

    • pred 4 let
  • freegbs
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 4 let

    I am looking for designs of 3D model robots. After selecting the design I would contract for the animations.

    • pred 4 let
  • freegbs
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 4 let

    I have provided a revised contest clarification, sealed the contest, and guaranteed the prize.

    • pred 4 let
  • freegbs
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 4 let

    I have provided clarification to the contest wording and have added two pdf files. One is the original document in pdf format, the other is clarification of size and arm movement areas.

    • pred 4 let
  • MyPrints
    • pred 4 let


    • pred 4 let
    1. freegbs
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 4 let

      Not sure what you mean with #guaranteed.

      • pred 4 let
  • freegbs
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 4 let

    I am looking for design of the player then 3D model with animations.

    • pred 4 let

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