Building me a website+ logo

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $115
  • Prejetih vnosov: 0

Navodila natečaja

I am looking for a person who builds a website with car parts for me.It would look like it would send queries about the item. It is not meant that there are categories and my products. Inquiry for a given product and my answer. If someone asks about the product, it will be implemented in the form of a chat where I could attach photos. The point is to get a response without an account on email. But if he wanted to buy a product, he would have to wear it. The background graphics would be a car exploded in 3D in the form of a sketch. I would also like to ask for a car-related logo

Priporočene spretnosti

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • sharif106
    • pred 4 let

    what your logo name?

    • pred 4 let
  • nahiddhossain
    • pred 4 let

    It is difficult to understand your description. Please give some reference website.

    • pred 4 let
  • nahiddhossain
    • pred 4 let

    do you have any reference website?

    • pred 4 let
  • drevchuk94
    • pred 4 let

    1 question. By build you mean DESIGN or Web creation?

    • pred 4 let
  • avinaykumarweb
    • pred 4 let

    will do for you

    • pred 4 let
  • sujit325
    • pred 4 let


    • pred 4 let

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