Build a rotating stratum proxy for mining crypto coins at set periods of time

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $50
  • Prejetih vnosov: 5
  • Zmagovalec/ka: AbhishekEG

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I've been looking for a simple script/website for a way to set up a list of pools and let the L3+ miner mine each coin for a period of time, then move on the next one, and so on.

The miner will connect to a single link: stratum+tcp// and that stratum will change the pools like this:

Pool 1 : Coin ABC , stratum+tcp:// - mining time 20 minutes
Pool 2 : Coin XYZ , stratum+tcp:// - mining time 60 minutes
Pool 3 : Coin AAA , stratum+tcp:// - mining time 30 minutes

I have a list of 30 coins I want to mine but I don't have time and patience to login to the miner and change that info all day, so automating it would be great.

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  • mehedithedev
    • pred 1 leto

    #sealed #sealed #sealed Hi, my entry number is #4 . I've added the screenshot of the code to build a rotating stratum proxy for mining crypto. You can use that code and follow the instructions to make it work. I'm here to answer any of your queries.

    • pred 1 leto

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