Brainstorm names for a social investment system built with Ethereum

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $50
  • Prejetih vnosov: 75
  • Zmagovalec/ka: stilldrift

Navodila natečaja

Hey all,

I'm in the ideation phase for a new decentralized app that I'm developing with Ethereum. I'm currently looking for a quality working name for the project/company, so this contest's objective is to use the attached materials to brainstorm and submit up to 10 of your best ideas for a name.

It should be 1 or 2 words (preferably 1), can be creative amalgamations of relevant keywords, and should be tailored to a wide audience (emphasizing the concept, not the tech).

Attached you'll find a detailed overview document, but here's a summary:

It's a decentralized social investment system that allows people to generate and trade custom "shares" that are tied to abstract concepts. Public companies sell shares in order to raise enough funds to grow, which then increases the value of each share. Individual's also strive for growth and there are many people who would be able to thrive if given the right opportunities. That's why I'm building a Dapp that will allow users to generate and trade custom shares. Additionally, we'd support fractional shares which would allow users to micro-invest in limitless ways.

For example, I could create a set of shares that represent Chicago-based computer science majors on the cusp of graduation who have a 3.5+ GPA. They show potential for personal growth and there's a new batch every year. I'd work with the schools and use social media to find eligible investees and get them onto the system if they aren't already. As people buy my new custom shares, I invest the raised funds into the candidates and trade their shares based on their performance over time. If someone lands a lucrative job in a tech start-up with a proven team, I can lean a little more into their shares and watch their progress. If someone fails a required course and cannot graduate, I can sell their shares and put those funds into more promising candidates. However, I could also use my own network of professionals to help my investees succeed and get a headstart in the industry. I'm making money from my successful recruitment and monitoring of my investee network, while anyone else can make money by investing in my custom set of shares without having to do any of the research or monitoring, and the investees are getting valuable resources they need to thrive in the working force. It's a symbiotic relationship between investors and investments.

For another example, I could create a set of shares to represent this idea (like an ICO). I'd be able to instantly create the shares and have them available for friends and family to invest in. Thanks to fractional shares, it's not much of a risk to put in small investments that you can expand on as the idea grows. Now picture the first example manifested in every combination you can think of. I could receive funds from programmer-centric markets, my alma-mater could have a market for alumni, my local county could have a generic investment network, etc. I painlessly raise enough funds to progress the idea and find collaborators. Each new team member brings in their own set of personal investors and adds legitimacy to your project, encouraging further investments. The network will dynamically scale their funding contributions based on your progress in a way that allows you to focus on your work and not on finding funding for it.

There's much more detail in the attached doc. Feel free to message me with questions/feedback and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

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  • AriffSamad
    • pred 5 let

    Hi CH, Kindly check my entry #66 .

    • pred 5 let
  • ainnatasha98
    • pred 5 let

    Dear CH, kindly check my entry #65

    • pred 5 let
  • nabihahyahaya98
    • pred 5 let

    Dear CH, please check my entry #64

    • pred 5 let
  • hakimfreelancer9
    • pred 5 let

    Dear CH, please check my entry #63

    • pred 5 let
  • alexvilleradic
    • pred 5 let

    Hello, is this contest still active? Thanks

    • pred 5 let
  • stilldrift
    • pred 5 let

    Please check entry #52

    • pred 5 let
  • alexvilleradic
    • pred 6 let

    Hello CH, please rate our entries so that we know where we stand and try to calibrate our suggestions. Thanks

    • pred 6 let
  • MCO159
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 6 let

    Overall I want to avoid names referencing the technology, like anything related to "Coin", "Token", "Ethereum", etc.

    • pred 6 let
    1. ataasaid
      • pred 6 let

      Kindly Check #4

      • pred 6 let
  • pvadsariya
    • pred 6 let


    • pred 6 let

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