Bow inspired logo design for a baby boutique

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $510
  • Prejetih vnosov: 227

Navodila natečaja

I want a baby bow TO BE JUST AN OUTLINE: PASTEL PINK ON THE LEFT SIDE | PASTEL BLUE ON THE RIGHT SIDE and the letter B on the pink side and the P on the right side. Thanks everyone

The Bow needs to be pink on the left side (pretty pastel light pink) and blue (pretty pastel light blue) on the right side AND encompass the the two letters "B" and "P". See below:

On the left side: I want the letter "B" for the B in the brand name Baby-Plush
On the right side: I want the letter "P" for the P in the band name Baby-Plush

I want this to look elegant (Think Cadencelanelondon). Ideally the font be an elegant legible cursive that doesn't obstruct the lettering, but I am open to other ideas.

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