BEST GRAPHIC DESIGNER - 23/06/2022 15:29 EDT

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $20
  • Prejetih vnosov: 16

Navodila natečaja

The pictures in the manual are incorrect in places we need to make it clearer.
The glass is split on the side, and split 3 times in the front. You can see in the photographs how it is. So we need lines to show where the glass splits.
You can see the handle is all the way to the side in the picture on the manual, but it’s actually in the middle glass pane that’s removed in the photographs I have. So you’d want to place the handle to the side of the middle panel that is the door. (Sorry I have no pictures of the actual door on)
There is no logo on the glass so you need to remove the “Traditional 6” and the logo on the glass.
There is a control panel in the center top of the back wall of the sauna, as shown in pictures, that needs to be shown in the pictures of the sauna.
There is also an ionizer that needs to be shown, the little silver module on the ceiling toward the back.
The bench is much different than the bench shown in the photo. The slats go sideways and they are spaced out as opposed to the ones shown that are solid and vertical.
The stove’s cage has less wood than the manual shows, please update to reflect how it looks.

That’s it for the pictures. There are pictures all over the manual that need to be corrected.

We also need help with page 13
All the words underneath the control panel need to be removed.

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