Banner Ad Design in Flash and GIF for E-Currency Exchanger and VoIP reseller website

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $95
  • Prejetih vnosov: 2
  • Zmagovalec/ka: dreamsweb

Navodila natečaja

We NEED a talented flash designer to create for us an impressive banner for our e-currency exchange(financial biz) website.

Priporočene spretnosti

Delodajalčev feedback

“dreamsweb is the best flash/GIF banner designer to work with! When we post the project he submitted more than 10 design ideas and was very quick to transform our ideas and suggestions in real design mockups. After we award the project to him, he worked hard, even in weekend, to complete the project and follow all our requirements. He was always available on email, he did more than 40 changes in the design in just a few days, and never say NO. He is a real freelancer to work with, and nothing its impossible for him. Thank you dreamsweb and we are looking to work with you on our further projects.”

Profilna slika BFcorp, Iceland.

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • dreamsweb
    • pred 13 let

    Hello, check banner flash animation demo at and let me know your views.

    • pred 13 let
    1. dreamsweb
      • pred 13 let

      ok check now this is just demo to show you animation

      • pred 13 let
    2. Maxartkiller
      • pred 13 let

      Congrates Frnd.

      • pred 13 let
  • BFcorp
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 13 let

    Thank you all for your work and ideas presented in this contest. Unfortunately the contest rules forces us to pick just one winner although we liked the work of a few designers. We hope to work with some of you in the future on our next projects. Special thanks and congrats to the designers that had submitted multiple versions and ideas, it really nice to see talented people out here. In the end but not last, congratulations to dreamsweb for his work on this contest, he is really a talented and result focused freelancer.

    • pred 13 let
    1. dreamsweb
      • pred 13 let

      Thanks to choose us for your project.

      • pred 13 let
  • BFcorp
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 13 let

    OK guys, there is only 6 hours until the end of this contest. Now its the last chance to show an animated version of your work. We will choose the winner of this contest based on the most interesting animation. Thank you all for all the work done.

    • pred 13 let
    1. Maxartkiller
      • pred 13 let

      yes , I am ready to change if i will selected.
      And also this is the mock up
      You also see my portfolio site

      Please see this

      • pred 13 let
    2. dreamsweb
      • pred 13 let

      Hi, I am working on flash animation draft and will submit with in couple hours.

      • pred 13 let
  • lisavm
    • pred 13 let

    things like #41 and #42 can go with different green text , but they all will contain logos of payment systems on banners

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you lisavm for all your designs, but the whole design idea is not something we are looking for. We need a more complex and eye catching animation structure.

      • pred 13 let
  • Maxartkiller
    • pred 13 let

    Ok Just wait

    • pred 13 let
  • lisavm
    • pred 13 let

    BFcorp, you can see the whole entire banner that i applied (#27) in gif in here:

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you lisavm for your work. I rejected both designs because are to simple for what we need. Please take a look to the project attached files in order to see some similar banners, they are more animated and eye catching. We do not need a copy of that designs, we need our own design, but to be animated and eye catching.

      • pred 13 let
    2. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      #37 is a good idea, but the banner must contain the logos of the payment system we work with: Ukash, Liberty Reserve, Webmoney, etc because as you know one image is more powerful than 1000 words.

      • pred 13 let
  • Maxartkiller
    • pred 13 let

    I am In .

    • pred 13 let
    1. Maxartkiller
      • pred 13 let


      • pred 13 let
    2. Maxartkiller
      • pred 13 let


      • pred 13 let
  • dreamsweb
    • pred 13 let

    i improve the old one and submit new one please check. #20 and #21

    • pred 13 let
    1. dreamsweb
      • pred 13 let

      i have submit the banner in scene #30 also posted a new one #29

      • pred 13 let
    2. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      After I saw #30 , the idea in #29 seems old and non interested. #30 is for sure your best design from all the one submit ed until now.

      • pred 13 let
  • bruce85
    • pred 13 let

    its a flash banner

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you bruce85 for your work. I rejected your design because is to simple for what we need. Please take a look to the project attached files in order to see some similar banners, they are more animated and eye catching. We do not need a copy of that designs, we need our own design, but to be animated and eye catching.

      • pred 13 let
  • Desry
    • pred 13 let

    ok i see your point what about my new entry #25

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for the new design. Is still not what we look for, because I don't see what animation you can do on that banner, beside the text block in middle.

      • pred 13 let
  • pvaidehi
    • pred 13 let

    hi please check #22

    • pred 13 let
    1. pvaidehi
      • pred 13 let

      this is just a mockup.i haven't made animation yet.

      • pred 13 let
    2. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      I have to reject #22 because of the background image that is to complex and attract the attention to the image instead to the text. We need a background that highlight the banner text, because that is the scope of the banner. Thank you for your work.

      • pred 13 let
  • Desry
    • pred 13 let

    Hi, please check my entry #24. it just static mock up. But i will finished in animation with flash. Please see pm for detail explanation.

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for your design. I have to reject it because of the background image that is to complex and attract the attention to the image instead to the text. We need a background that highlight the banner text, because that is the scope of the banner.

      • pred 13 let
  • Jackoftrades371
    • pred 13 let

    I would of submitted my designs i made but this garbage site isn't letting me upload them, don't know why but not first time i heard about bugs

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for your designs. I had to reject them because we are looking for some more "financial services" looking. I left you message in private.

      • pred 13 let
  • dreamsweb
    • pred 13 let

    Just submit new design please check #19

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for your designs, some of them are close with what we are looking for. The #19 I had to reject it because we consider the white area in the right side is too "glamour" for our business area: banking and financial services. We need something more serious.

      • pred 13 let
  • neXXes
    • pred 13 let

    Hello! Please see #10

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for the design, we will take it in consideration.

      • pred 13 let
    2. neXXes
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for the comment

      • pred 13 let
  • dreamsweb
    • pred 13 let

    Hi, I submitted two design of please check and let me know your views. Thanks

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      Thank you for your work. Your designs are interesting and for sure will be taken into consideration.

      • pred 13 let
  • pauljohn
    • pred 13 let

    hi, may i know the font u used in your logo, WMX CHANGE for the flash animation. thank u sir

    • pred 13 let
  • yasagloble
    • pred 13 let

    I design my Full Flash banner Ad How I'm Submit to my works?
    You need all the Flash animated created flash file or Only Flash banner

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      we need only the banner to be animated, not the entire site. We expect just a first draft of your work, as we want to see your design idea and layout, not to much work.

      • pred 13 let
  • nikkilouda
    • pred 13 let

    Hello, what file size do the banners need to be in? also the duration of the animation?


    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      similar to the banners provided as example

      • pred 13 let
    2. nikkilouda
      • pred 13 let

      Cool, will send something through soon

      • pred 13 let
  • pvaidehi
    • pred 13 let

    hi check my design #2 and give me a feedback.

    • pred 13 let
    1. BFcorp
      Nosilec natečaja
      • pred 13 let

      hello and thank you for your work. your design is not the style we are looking for. we need something with a better corporate look. We are a financial company and the look is very important for us. To make a long story short: we need the same style and look as you can see on every bank and financial institution banners and websites: simple, elegant, attractive but powerful in the same time.

      • pred 13 let
    2. pvaidehi
      • pred 13 let

      thanks for your feedback.i will design as you want.

      • pred 13 let
  • yasagloble
    • pred 13 let

    Hi, This is my one of the own design I like to woke this

    • pred 13 let

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