Logo for an Architect

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: €90
  • Prejetih vnosov: 436

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Hello All, I am an architect. My name is Pascal Gérard and I need a logo.

There are 3 possible ways to do the logo, please feel free to submit your own idea instead of following the guidelines if you have a nicer idea.

1/ We can do a new edition of my former logo. The two lines that I added as a picture
Here attached is my former logo, it's a concept that I like because it reminds

2/ We can do a "Pascal Gérard" logo with the "O.A" inspiration that I uploaded below. O.A is the organization of architects in France, they allow us to use their logo's vibe and design for other architect's logos.

3/ Submit your own ideas as long as it's elegant, classy.

Our job : we design houses and houses' extensions. Which means that we add a part to an existing house for example.
We like dark colors, grey, beige, black or white
It has to be very simple, no drawings or anything too complex.

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