Freelancer: mhkhan4500
Prijavi vnos

Beautiful Logo

I've designed a beautiful Logo that you hope will be your favorite and I want to do your work in the future and I will do my job perfectly and thoroughly and work on various marketplaces, a professional graphics designer and to solve any problem I will definitely try and thank you all for all kinds of cooperation

Natečajni vnos #64 za                                                 Improve this logo mockup for a web design/digital marketing business

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • mhkhan4500
    • pred 5 let

    Thank You

    • pred 5 let
  • mhkhan4500
    • pred 5 let

    Hope you enjoy your choice

    • pred 5 let
  • TCInk
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 5 let

    Hi Mehidi, I like the effects you've used. However I need the logo to be all one colour (or use shades of the main colour). Are you able to recreate the effects as just blue or brown/gold? The font should be the same colour as the ring. Also the your rings are currently too thick - they should be quite thin.
    Out of these fonts top left is best, not sure about the one used on "Ink" though.

    • pred 5 let
  • mhkhan4500
    • pred 5 let

    Check my entrance Hope you like and change anything else You must tell me Thank you

    • pred 5 let