Freelancer: susanavazduarte
Prijavi vnos

Album proposal design

According to the description of the project, I've made a proposal that I hope that fits the requirements. The design can be adjusted on demand. Hope you like it.

Natečajni vnos #6 za                                                 Design of a complete CD layout for a Progressive Metal EP

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • ameos
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 6 let

    Hi! I really like your entry, but of course I also have to talk about it with my band mates first. I will let you know, what they have to say :) Greetings, Tobi

    • pred 6 let
    1. susanavazduarte
      • pred 6 let

      Hi. Thank you! Iam glad you liked it. Let me know if there's anything you want to be improved to match your vision.

      • pred 6 let