Freelancer: DIPRAW
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logo por plezi

Hope you like it. If you need anything to change feel free let me know..I will provide you with all the possible format u need after selection.

Natečajni vnos #112 za                                                 Design a logo for an erotic webshop

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • WebKrunch
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 5 let

    It's for men and woman... Not really what we are looking for sorry... Looking forward to another design of your hand.

    • pred 5 let
    1. DIPRAW
      • pred 5 let

      Sir would you like me to keep this colour theme?

      • pred 5 let
    • pred 5 let

    thank you sir!! i'll come up with some new ideas as soon as possible

    • pred 5 let