Freelancer: iwebgal
Prijavi vnos


Please let me know if you would like to see any further modifications.

Natečajni vnos #40 za                                                 Design a Logo for a new online boat booking system

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  • adpap
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 9 let

    Thank you for ur update & all efforts so far. Regarding the legend "" it looks good. Regarding the logo I also appreciate that now the horizontal line in middle of the Y is visible. However I think you will also agree with me that compared to #32 the size ratio between the "Y" & "S", and the harmony of shapes, how they blend together needs some improvement. We're close to an end result. Should we try to work a bit on the "Y"? Some ideas could be make the "Y" angle slight wider, and/or make it a bit shorter the leg of "Y" by reducing slightly the height on lower part of the "Y" (below the horizontal line) and/or make the "Y" slight wider if necessary. Tk u in advance for your update. Feel free to send me many different versions.

    • pred 9 let
    1. iwebgal
      • pred 9 let

      I have made a few modifications for your review. Please see #42 #45 #43 and let me know if you would like to tweak any of them. Thank you.

      • pred 9 let