Freelancer: anushkumar87
Prijavi vnos

Re with alters

Hi. Uploading again with changes n variations

Natečajni vnos #43 za                                                 Design a Logo for a Ticket Selling Business

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • Khoders
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 9 let

    I like the fadings, looks quite good. the CF has to change though. Not so much the design but the shadows, etc. The "Chop first" Texts are good

    • pred 9 let
    1. anushkumar87
      • pred 9 let

      thanks for the review.... what i want to knw is which of the three designs you liked so that i can work on it only...

      • pred 9 let
    2. anushkumar87
      • pred 9 let

      please chk entry 49... i had modified the current one

      • pred 9 let
  • anushkumar87
    • pred 9 let

    added 3 variations.... with CF

    • pred 9 let