Freelancer: pambudiutomo94
Prijavi vnos

your logo

I make full-color design that added life for the position has not changed much to give my character a few touches I hope you like it

Natečajni vnos #7 za                                                 Design a Logo

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • pambudiutomo94
    • pred 7 let

    I will try to send the design again, sir
    we hope it suits you

    • pred 7 let
  • shopperscall
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 7 let

    Looks very nice. the crazy pierogi on the left needs to look more crazy, almost like a crazy scientist if you may. Pierogi on the right just needs to be slightly smaller then the main pierogi in the middle. as for the colors we would like more color contrast for pierogis and circle to stand out from each other more. Overall though very good job

    • pred 7 let