Freelancer: level08
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Monster Revisions

Hi. I tried a couple of version on the monster sitting. One is sitting with legs hanging and the other sitting like on a floor. I also did an experiment to see what the monster would look like with his back to the type. The second sheet is for different eyes and mouths. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Natečajni vnos #68 za                                                 Design a Cartoon Monster for a Media Company

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  • Khoders
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 9 let

    I like the posture of D the best. Hmm is it possible to add some ears to the monster? It needs more character.

    • pred 9 let
    1. level08
      • pred 9 let

      Absolutely. I had horns on him for awhile but removed them because it seemed most of the submissions had them. I'll try both. Thanks for the feedback.

      • pred 9 let