Freelancer: daniilandreev
Prijavi vnos

Blue wren art

Digital painting, 3000x3000, 300 dpi. Background is on a separate layer and can be changed. If you like the style, I will draw more.

Natečajni vnos #6 za                                                 Art Required of Australian Plants & Animals - 8 Small artworks in total. Hand drawn, digital or watercolor.

Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • spurs99
    Nosilec natečaja
    • pred 5 let

    Love this style. Can you please draw me one more of the animals requested. If i like it, i will probably award it to you.

    • pred 5 let
    1. daniilandreev
      • pred 5 let

      Thank you. I will work on one more.

      • pred 5 let